Biochem – Spring Gift – Hon Quan 2024

Biochem Joint Stock Company, held the Spring Program on January 21, 2024. The Spring Program is Biochem’s 2024 charity event. After surveying underprivileged households, Biochem’s charity committee selected Tan Hiep Commune – Hon Quan District as this year’s destination. Hon Quan is a district in Binh Phuoc Province facing numerous challenges. Government are working tirelessly to foster development. In this area, there are still children who cannot attend school, and residents make a living through farming and brick-making.

Delivering Tet gifts to underprivileged households

To bring Tet to the community, Biochem has been busy preparing Tet gifts from A to Z. Biochem has divided the gifts into two main parts: one for households and another for children. Additionally, there will be red envelopes handed out to wish the residents good luck.

Bringing a ‘Prosperous Tet’ to households

For household gifts, Biochem is especially focused on the two words ‘Prosperous Tet.’ To Biochem, Tet is incomplete without food and essential household spices. Therefore, our gift package includes a 750ml bottle of cooking oil, one bottle of economy fish sauce, 1kg of sugar, 140g of monosodium glutamate, a box of Gau Do noodles, and 10kg of rice for each household.

Biochem chuẩn bị quà Tết ấm no

Bringing a ‘Joyful Tet’ to the children

For the children, Biochem aims to bring a ‘Joyful Tet’ filled with laughter. Therefore, we took the time to handcraft each colorful pinwheel to bring joy to the children here. Over 300 pinwheels were completed overnight to be ready for the trip to Hon Quan. Additionally, each child’s gift package includes various types of cakes, candies, jelly, milk, stuffed animals, and backpacks. We also prepared bubble tea to treat the children.

Biochem- quà Tết vui vẻ

Four Destination, Four Feelings

Join us on Biochem’s Spring journey to see where we’ve been and what we’ve done. Our first stop was at the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. Here, we gathered supplies to prepare for distribution to the following stations. Additionally, donated items such as clothing, stuffed animals, and used books were collected here. The sisters will then distribute these items to the households later.

Station 1: Hon Quan Village

At Hon Quan Village, Biochem got everyone started with games like “Who Asks,Who Asks,” and “I Say” while waiting for the gifts to be prepared. Meanwhile, the bubble milktea stand was operating at full capacity to serve the locals. Initially, the children were a bit shy, but with some encouragement, they gradually joined in and played with the game leaders. Simultaneously, Biochem distributed gifts to the households. Next came the gifts for the children. Since this was just a distribution point, many families had to travel from afar by motorbike. Some households, lacking male members, saw women carrying heavy loads alone, which moved our team members. Consequently, a few of our men helped carry the loads to their homes.

Biochem phát trà sữa cho các em nhỏ

Station 2: Brick Kiln in Hon Quan

When we arrived here, it was almost noon and the heat was intense. Despite the sweltering weather, the locals had been waiting patiently for the charity team since early morning. Sensing this, we quickly set up and started handing out gifts directly to everyone. Since this was the second station, everything went smoothly and efficiently. People lined up orderly, making the distribution process much easier. Unlike the previous village, here we also encountered young men and older gentlemen receiving gifts on behalf of their wives. They volunteered to take the gifts home to ease their wives’ minds about household chores, which reassured our team as well.

Các chú phụ khuân vác đồ

Những nụ cười rạng rỡ ở Lò Gạch Hớn Quản

Đổi chong chóng lấy nụ cười của các em Hớn Quản

Trạm 3: Charity House of Vinh Son Saint Vincent de Paul 

After lunch, the team quickly proceeded to the residence of the Daughters of Charity to distribute gifts to the households and children there. It was around one or two in the afternoon, the hottest part of the day. Fortunately, there was shade for everyone here. As always, the game leaders engaged the children in activities to keep them connected and entertained. Bubble tea remained the favorite treat for everyone, as we constantly had to refill the cups.

Biochem chụp ảnh kỉ niệm tại nhà các sơ

Đổi chóng chóng lấy nụ cười của bọn trẻ.

Station 4: Riverside Village

Next, we rolled our way to the riverside village. Because this village is nestled deep along narrow lanes, our vehicles couldn’t enter. Therefore, we divided up and carried the gifts into the village on foot to bring the spirit of Spring to everyone. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the sight of a serene blue lake. The children here eagerly welcomed us. The houses were simple, constructed with wooden planks, closely clustered together. Each house was small, just enough to accommodate a bed. All household activities seemed to revolve around that single small bed. Biochem arrived here and continued its mission. Despite being the final station and feeling a bit tired, everyone remained enthusiastic, and all tasks were completed with dedication.

Làng Ven Sông Huyện Hớn Quản

Biochem phát quà bên sông

The journey throughout the day was diverse and emotional.

This journey was truly diverse. Diverse in the sense of encountering various challenging circumstances among the households. For instance, some homes had seriously ill members, while others had been struggling with food scarcity for months. There were households managed solely by a single woman caring for three young children, alongside an elder sister coping with mental health challenges. What was remarkable is that despite these difficulties, they always had smiles on their faces. It seemed as if these hardships couldn’t defeat their spirits.  The most beautiful flowers bloom in adversity.
This journey was also profoundly emotional, with tears shed and bright smiles shining through. It all made for a memorable and colorful experience. Thank you to you, the members of Biochem, and the people of Hon Quan for making this journey meaningful. On this note, Biochem promises to continue spreading these noble values – For a greener future.

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