Uom mam xanh- Scholarship 2024

Ươm Mầm Xanh scholarship, on October 13th,  held a meeting, interaction, and scholarship award ceremony for outstanding new students. The event welcomed students from various backgrounds. We had the opportunity to hear inspiring stories of overcoming adversity and useful sharing. What were those stories, and what interesting activities took place? Stay tuned with Biochem to find out!
uom mam xanh hoc bong 2024

Sharing of the uom mam xanh’s alumni who have started their careers

This scholarship offers a special opportunity for students to hear inspiring stories from the journeys of two alumni – Phạm Trần Ái Nguyên and Phạm Khánh Quân. Both were outstanding students and recipients of the Ươm Mầm Xanh scholarship for the 2019-2024 academic years. Over the course of four years, Ươm Mầm Xanh witnessed their incredible growth and transformation. Now, they are confident and steadfast in pursuing the paths they have chosen. Each day, they continue to grow.

Looking back on that journey, Ươm Mầm Xanh cannot help but feel emotional and proud of their achievements. And today, after years of hard work, they have become sources of inspiration. They now share valuable experiences on how to pursue dreams and overcome challenges.


Scholarship Award Ceremony and Interaction with New Ươm Mầm Xanh Students

Ươm Mầm Xanh is honored to award scholarships to 27 new students. These young individuals are about to embark on a new journey, stepping through the university gates and into the world of adulthood. Each student carries different dreams and missions. Some aspire to become doctors to save lives, others dream of becoming priests, and some are passionate about becoming interpreters. Each dream represents a peak for them to strive toward and conquer.

If pursuing a dream is difficult for many, for these students, the road is even more challenging. Concerns about family and the burdens of younger siblings awaiting support weigh heavily on them. In addition, the pressure of financial costs and constant obstacles threaten to derail their journeys. All of these factors could hinder their path to achieving their dreams at any moment. However, there is one thing that Ươm Mầm Xanh deeply admires and values: their unwavering resilience and determination to pursue their dreams. They never shy away from difficulties.

Ka Doi – A Touching Story of a Student Overcoming Hardship

Introduction to Ka Doi

Ka Doi, born in 1994, is currently a first-year student majoring in English at Nong Lam University. Yes, you heard that right! You might be wondering why someone born in 1994 is still a first-year student. Let’s find out Ka Doi’s story.

Ka Doi is a K’Ho ethnic minority student from Lâm Đồng. From a young age, he had to be self-reliant, taking care of everything himself, including looking after his father and younger siblings. Ka Doi’s mother passed away when he was just 12 years old, leaving the burden of the family on his young shoulders. His family was so poor that sometimes they didn’t even have a grain of salt to eat. Throughout the school year, Ka Doi only had one pair of pants. Every night, he had to warm his clothes by the fire to dry them for the next day. Over time, the pants became more worn and torn.


Harsh Reality and Unyielding Determination

As if those hardships weren’t enough, Ka Doi’s life became even more precarious because of his father—a man not only prone to domestic violence but also responsible for many emotional and physical traumas inflicted on him and his younger siblings. Ka Doi shared that every time his father came home, the house would turn into ruins with broken dishes and stained walls. His father often threatened them with a knife, forcing Ka Doi to live in constant fear. At times, he even thought about ending his life to escape the brutal reality. However, when he looked at his two younger siblings, Ka Doi couldn’t bring himself to give up.

Arriving in Saigon with nothing but empty hands, Ka Doi started working in a textile factory to make ends meet, alongside various other jobs to support himself and his siblings. After saving enough money, he was finally able to return to school and continue pursuing his dream of education. Now, not only is he a student, but he also teaches Vietnamese to foreigners and works as an interpreter to support himself.

No one wishes for a fate like this. But people like Ka Doi, with their strength, overcome everything, fight against circumstances, and rise to continue chasing their dreams. This is also the reason why the Ươm Mầm Xanh scholarship was established—to support and empower resilient young people like Ka Doi, helping them confidently move forward on their journey to achieving their dreams.

Conclusion of the Ươm Mầm Xanh Scholarship Program

Ka Doi is just one of the many examples of individuals overcoming poverty and hardship. There are likely even more tragic stories in this world, and yet these people continue to fight every day. As the saying goes, “The healthy leaf covers the torn one,” Ươm Mầm Xanh aims to contribute its part to empower these students in their battles. It’s also a place where students can share their struggles and receive help.

Thank you for always pursuing your passions with such intensity. Thank you for continuing to fight until today. Biochem, as well as Ươm Mầm Xanh, hopes that you will keep that flame burning bright. And one day, you’ll be able to pass that flame on to others.

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